
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 3rd 2011, 1:46:06

The truth for once? ROFL that is too funny...

If you expect to get anywhere by calling me a liar, it is just going to blow up in your face...

I'm the guy that always tells the truth, regardless of how detrimental the truth may be (most recent example: my admittance earlier on this thread re: knowing about the RD strike beforehand).

I'm the guy that answers "yes" when asked "are you guys planning to FS us?" (assuming we are actually planning to FS).

Being too honest has always been my biggest vice in earth leadership, and numerous FAs/leaders around this game can attest to this fact. Mr. Lime, who never really liked me much until the day he asked me if we were going to FS citidel, and I said "yes", which in turn lead to them merging into MD and costing us our war... aka to our detriment. Even TAN could attest to this (if he doesn't let partisanship get in his way). I told him straight up that LaF was planning to FS PDM back when SS was Don (he asked, I told). He then spent a while trying to convince me not to do it, because PDM wanted to FS someone else (SoF or SOL, can't remember which) -- this was during the reset that SOL and SoF planned to kill the entire server, and TAN was upset that we were "playing into their plan" by hitting PDM instead of letting PDM hit them. That was the same reset we FSed Evo early, tag killed them, and then they went on to win TNW and ANW cause everyone else died late in the round and they breezed through.

So in summary: Good luck with trying to paint me as a liar though.

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Mar 3rd 2011, 1:55:45
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