
hanlong Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 2:57:16

detmer: you were the only guy who i didn't talk with on IRC/ICQ. we did this strictly by insite messages.

i don't know why you weren't on ICQ at all.

the speed of IRC/ICQ would've resolved it much quicker, ala what happened with sanct/icn.

instead with the slow ass pace of private messages, it allowed the window of opportunity for both sides to escalate the matter.

i must have forced conspiracy with you detmer in creating a slower than normal messaging mechanism to open the door for escalated tensions to fulfill the master plan!


the more you try to pin this down as collusion the more farfetched it gets.. unless you guys were conspiring with us to fluff yourself over in acres.

which makes just as little sense.

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 3rd 2011, 2:59:36
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia