
qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Mar 6th 2011, 0:20:11

Twenty-Four Hour Stats ECM vs SoF

So far it's been fun :) SoF managed to kill me while I was online in IRC with 290 CM's that was interesting... I didn't think about switching to demo... *sigh*

Anyway, being dead has left me some time to compute some stats for the war thus far; these stats were taken at 23:59:59 Game Time, 24 hours after the start of the war.

Evolution (EVOosso), Collab (SancT) and Monsters (MONSTERS) will be hereafter referred to collectively as "ECM" for convenience. SoF (xRAGEx) will be known as SoF.

Networth And Standing statistics

Clan Start# Current# Top 500 Top 100 TNW Land
SancT 43 35 30 3 $228,156,008 438,397
EVOosso 56 46 40 14 $369,322,512 563,298
MONSTERS 28 28 25 7 $227,300,532 311,056
TOTAL ECM 127 109 95 24 $824,779,052 1,312,751

Clan Start# Current# Top 500 Top 100 TNW Land
xRAGEx 100 81 72 26 $683,199,352 839,258

Attacking & Restarting Statistics

HPM = Hits per member (HPM using Start# of members)
HPK = Hits per Kill

Clan Attacks Kills HPK HPM Defends Deaths Restarts
SancT 2,029 5 406 47.1 2,242 8 0
EVOosso 3,234 8 404 57.8 3,058 11 1
MONSTERS 1,422 8 178 50.8 33 0 0
TOTAL ECM 6,685 21 318 52.6 5,333 19 1

Clan Attacks Kills HPK HPM Defends Deaths Restarts
xRAGEx 5,333 19 281 53.3 6,685 21 2

Good luck to all in the coming days, we'll see if this starts swinging one way or the other.


If you want to see a graph of networth and whatnot, see

Edited By: qzjul on Mar 6th 2011, 0:23:30
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Finally did the signature thing.