
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 5th 2011, 0:20:02

Hi all,

I just wanted to take a few seconds to discuss a few changes which we're happy to push out now.

The biggest change is on the war page. We've updated the war page to use JavaScript and AJAX to make attacks which allows for faster attacking and decreased bandwidth. We believe this should solve any and all lag problems associated to attacking (*crosses fingers*). We also cleaned up the war page's flow, so it should be somewhat easier to use.

A quick laundry list of other changes include:
- You can override the new attacking on the preferences page
- You can override the mobile template on the preferences page
- Error handling on spy op and war pages should be better
- Updated ALL numerical form fields so that the following methods of input so the "k" and "m" qualifiers will multiply your input by 1000 and 1,000,000, respectively. Examples: 2.5k = 2500, 2.5m=2.5kk=2500000

I'm sure there's more in here, but the rest escape me right now. There are a lot of small fixes where you'll go "oh, cool.. they fixed that!"

Thanks everyone,
EE Staff

Edited By: Pang on Apr 5th 2011, 0:33:31
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Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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