


Apr 11th 2011, 18:54:01

bottom feeding IS at pandemic levels

i do not believe that GDI is the sole culprit
i think ghost acres and the ill-conceived topfeed penalty play huge roles

slagpit has always stated that "one hit and quit" is the way to play so he designed a GDI that rewards that style

the topfeed penalty seems immune to rational arguments
ghost acres are routinely derided on the suggestions forum but are here to stay

we should not be surprised that players who can not retal against larger opponents take to randomly killing each other
however GDI has played a vital role in stopping clan kill runs and helped express become a true solo server which is thriving without the clan dominance
anyone who wants a change to GDI has to have a mechanism that keeps clan kill runs to a minimum
we do not want a return of tctGk

Edited By: lincoln on Apr 11th 2011, 18:56:15
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