
Prima Game profile


Apr 30th 2011, 0:39:10

currently an all-x it is played defensively, the transition to an aggressor country would be based on an ability to defend land taken. In most cases the land grab is not worth it unless bottom feeding, or hitting a country that is half your own net-worth or below this mark.

basically if a country twice my size hits me I need to decide: 'do I want to jump in networth @ near their net with jets to take the retal or let it go'. in other words destock or partially destock to take a retal. End result we are defensively equal at that point and can land trade, but open to external interference, and a potentially lower networth finish.

In most cases the jump is not worth it, just like stated someone is grabbing smart. or someone is maintaining a 60/40 ratio of jets to turrets along with healthy tanks and troops. Which translates into hitting someone @ just a little over 1/3 their size. 3 mil net hits 1.2 mil net = relatively safe while still retaining decent returns.

what occurs with the added explore bonus is the land trading would occur more often as it would give the All-x country more of an incentive to partially destock. They can recoup the potential losses thru the augmented land if they decide to go back to exploring.

The added oil bonus would also give them the oil needed with a few rigs without offsetting their cashing or teching balances.

We would see a lot more retals taken, and potentially a lot more countries going aggressive, because the comfort level to transition from an all-x defensive posture and an aggressive one would be provided, thru the added land.

I do go all-x because I do not want to add more pressure to the countries already under attack, it's really not rocket science to land-grab smart. But hitting a country 10-20 times on a daily basis to get an extra 10-20k acres by end of reset just isn't my style. hitting 3-4 0 DR countries once per reset every day if they can be found may be worth it assuming they fall in the safety net range. But even then the odds of finding 180-240 countries thru the whole reset which meet this narrow criteria is pretty slim.

Edited By: Prima on Apr 30th 2011, 0:41:49
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
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