
TheVoices Game profile


Sep 3rd 2011, 14:30:10

My response in this post was directly related to comments made by NOW3P in the post previous to my first post in the thread. It only spiralled out of control when you came in here with your litany of crack-addled thoughts.

Don't paint me to be the bad guy, or the delusional one. Let's take a look, shall we?

Originally posted by maverickmd:
calling you a jerk for top feeding 4 people that also play MD is not collusion.

But Mav, it wasn't topfeeding, because I was ranked above them! And, you clearly didn't message me to call me a jerk for grabbing people that play in MD, because haven't you spent the entire latter half of this threa\d trying to convince everyone you were just offering a friendly warning, not anything confrontational? But, oh wait! We know you're lying at the start now, because you start calling me a mid-feeder instead!

Originally posted by maverickmd:
But as to me, if im involved in this collusion you speak of. I've played every express round since I started playing agian 2 months ago and vary my allies every set as well as this set. You are in GDI, so giving that, the collusion you mentioned can not be real unless you violated GDI in which case people kill "mid feeders" all the time.

The interesting fact that I pointed out was that you hit like 4 MDers in a row. WHich is weird given that the probability of that is 1:1,714,870,920 which was very suspicious. I also never said you were being threatened, rather you inferred it. I futher clarified by saying, sucks because most good mders make their retals even in express :( And then i think i said, you sure were "unlucky" to grab 4 people from MD in a row.

Huh. Can't even keep yout story straight that early on, can you? That's unfortunate. But hey, it's probably because one one of your other patently ridiculous arguments that I was able to beat those staggering, obviously accurate odds! Probably something like...

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Colluding with your admin friend to use your friendship to have countries incorrectly deleted should also be a deleteable offense no?

Yes, I am colluding with the game admins. You got me. Your obviously rational, logical line of thought has won the day, Mav.

Now, let's break it down, 80's style.

I grabbed you, and DH'd. You promptly replied with "I can easily change my production to jets don't be an idiot".

So here I am thinking, "Who the hell does this guy think he is?" So do I nerdrage? Hell naw. I just send a simply reply of "Lol? It was just a DH. Chill out Broski."

Then, what is it I get in my inbox, messages directly lamenting my reset, how unfortunate I was, and the fact it was all because I grabbed MD members. Did you mention anything about "I just meant retals, bro!" until you were called out here? No. You just made a comment about how unfortunate my reset was going to be, and capped it off with the weight of the MD tag.

When it gets brought up in response to another poster's comment about possible rules violations and unsportsman-like play, you immediately on the attack with logically inconsistent, poorly considered arguments and spin, never account for one, simple fact that is the entire point. Instead, you attack me and anyone you disagree with, choosing lulzworthy leaps of 'logic' over anything approaching rational.

But, what was that point I mentioned, the one that has been repeated several times, and you can't get through yout thick skull? Oh, yeah.

Originally posted by TheVoices:
Originally posted by TheVoices:
If you don't want to be accused of collusion, don't suggest that your 1a affiliations mean anything here- they don't.

Everything else is spin, Dagg... I mean Mav. Keep posting tangential bullfluff, keep changing your story, and coming up with something else to accuse me of, though I'm not sure how easily it will be to top your accusations of me conspiring against you with the admins, or that I was secretly hunting down MD members on a server where MD doesn't exist, despite 1.7 billion:1 odds (lol?)

Keep spining, but it all comes back to one teensy, tiny fact you dance around like a ballerina on speed.

Originally posted by TheVoices:
If you don't want to be accused of collusion, don't suggest that your 1a affiliations mean anything here- they don't.

Here, I'll post it again, just for your benefit.

Originally posted by TheVoices:
If you don't want to be accused of collusion, don't suggest that your 1a affiliations mean anything here- they don't.

If you don't want accuations of collusion and impropriety raised against you, keep your whining, your QQ, and your 1a affiliations out of Express, and don't baaaaawwww at people with your 1a tag in tow if you get grabbed.

Edited By: TheVoices on Sep 3rd 2011, 14:33:21
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