
QM Diver Game profile


Nov 13th 2011, 23:08:56

Originally posted by Celeborn:
Originally posted by iTz Klutch:
Celeborn, the part that doesn't make sense is the perception part. Every one of us wants the single or pair of guys to stop hitting NBK/XI. you think we need(ed) their help? the grand plan you are talking about needs to be aired out. if they were ours, we'd ask them to tag up and keep hitting to add to the awesome raping of NBK and it's great allies. Anyone notice the hits start slowing down as soon as IMP grew? interesting, but i doubt any NBKer or XIer actually cares about correlating that because it's not in their best interest.

doesn't make sense?...then you say "every one of us wants" them to stop, yet NO ONE, SF, nor her police(if there is any, lol) has DONE anything
really? ignoring the problem makes it go away?
RAGE or RAGE's police would have trounced untags ang false tags simply because it was OUR war, not someone elses, and having someone else STEAL our kills was simply unthinkable

verbally claiming you want them to stop, w/o ACTUALLY doing a thing about it means you tacitly approve
simple as that

with all the kills done by untags and false tags, I'd actually say your victory is pretty hollow

just one mans' opinion=)

I can only agree with that man's opinion, about 150%...

Yes, the 'perception part' makes THE most sense.. As the Traitor tag, says it all.. I've seen him tag as Semper fl/pi, and hit us right along with the rest of the authentic tag.

It's quite possible, he's a multi, playing in Semper.. One set of countries tagged Semperfi, and the other to accent his first 16, eh? There's some reason for no motivation for Walding to stop it.
Perhaps it's connected to the constant 320ish countries (228) the tag maintains, even after 32 have left the tag? (IE.. ELY tag jumper and Zodiac...) There's something fishy happening..
It's not impossible to have your tags' numbers go up when at least 2 members have bailed, but the odds are pretty slim.. Not EVERYONE is ignorant, and not paying attention, here.

Accusation? Nope, close observation..

Yes, NBK allowed Zodiac to leave the war, unharmed by NBK.. Well, that is, after he'd lost around 30 countries, after joining a tag that said they were netting. Apparently, XI did not..

Edited By: QM Diver on Nov 13th 2011, 23:56:50
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