
Rob Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 19:20:49

Menion, youre an idiot. You have no clue what mdemon was talking about and jumped to conclusions just like any halfwit would.

I did not have a pact with mdemon - he was referring to the fact that he choose to not attack me knowing what country I play - which is a name i have used multiple times previously. I did not make any agreement or deal with anyone about not hitting them.

Originally posted by Menion:
Tbh it looks like an intentional provoke attack that has worked.. Nothing wrong with that, quite clever play really.

Originally posted by mdemon:

Same thing with some other players that I know, I could had lg Rob,or the other guys that promised me a pact last set, but I didn't despite us having our differences last set.

Now this part is wrong. This is a solo server. Pacts? Shame on you, Rob and the other people.

Edited By: Rob on Dec 18th 2011, 23:21:12
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