
hanlong Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 17:46:22

Originally posted by KingKaosKnows:
So the well defended country takes more risk than the one that has low defence?

Flawless logic is flawless.

Under certain circumstances I would agree with you, but pretty much everyone in PDM is saying that the countries that are land trading are not protected in bunkers, they are saying that all clans that have a grabbing pacts with PDM can hit their traders without causing an out roar, so the core of the problem lies in another place.

I traded in TKO in FFA and saw that trading takes effort and careful calculation to make it work well, and then I saw all that effort wasted in a "grab all you can and then delete run".

Again I don't support the you hit me, I hit you runs, those suck and are in complete opposition of all clans retal policies, countries that act in such a manner should be grabbed and denied L:L retals, but also I think is fluff talk that you come forward full of stupidity and ignorance and claim that they created 6000 acres at no cost.

i think you reversed what i was trying to say. you are correct that a well defended country can take more risks (hence why you buy defense for). having lower defense implies lower risk. i'm not sure what you are trying to imply here...

i did not say it was no cost. last reset i actually exchanged 2 hits with PDM back and forth just to see what build costs + land created comes from it, so i have first hand experience. the cost is you can't afford military which is correct, but it's not like your landtrading parter is going to suicide you anways (unlike what a bottomfed target would do), hence that's the part which i think carries lower risk and hence needs to be balanced.

or am i still confusing you? :P

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 7th 2012, 17:49:56
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia