
Jiman Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 19:32:45

Originally posted by hanlong:
do we have to bring up the logs again on why you guys made us sign this "offensive" pact clause in the first place?

you guys must have short term memory loss or something

so it was only ok for SOL to use it to attack but not vice versa? you guys never answered to us why you guys wanted that pact in the first place and explained the logs to us or anyone else on AT.

It was a pact that was agreed to by both sides not just a single party. Whether or not there was "evil" or "good" reasons for any part of the pact, the point is that it was not voided. Additionally, we wanted the pact because you guys decided to FS us based on poor reasons right before christmas holiday while SOL was completely inactive. Let us not forget as well that the war this CF pact was for was because SOL didnt give Laf a unap, and yet this set we wanted to give them a unap. I digress though... I am not arguing that you dont have right to void it, you do. I am argueing that it was not voided at all. Besides that, it seems that there was a 24 hour notice to void the pact that had to be given (correct me if I am wrong).

The specific issue I am bringing up right now is that LAF nor SOL voided the pact. There for, the pact still exists.

Additionally: I find it funny that you said that we MADE you sign it, when the ball was completely in your court considering that the pact was a Cease Fire Pact to stop LAF from killing off SOL during the holidays.

Edited By: Jiman on Apr 23rd 2012, 22:46:29
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