


Apr 24th 2012, 21:35:22

Hey, if I named my country "DH stands for fluffHead" I would fully expect to have it changed. You honestly dont think there was anything wrong with what you named your country? Even you arent that dumb.

Why dont you just forget about me, get on with your life and your game. All of this attention you seem to need to give me is just getting creepy. You look stupid doing it.

I dont need to criticize, flame, or even think about you at all.

The fact you self deleted because your attempt at humor was thwarted by the mods is funnier than the name they changed your country to. And the fact you deleted your country during war just shows that you really need to get over whatever sick, twisted need you have to try to get one up on me.

You have no one to blame but yourself.

But I will take the credit for the kill cause that is classic, lol

Edited By: Ruthie on Apr 24th 2012, 21:44:42
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