
aponic Game profile


May 4th 2012, 14:31:55

Originally posted by dagga:
SOF membership ECM war: 100 members, after loss - 71
+ 1 reset: 73
+ 2 resets: 54
+ 3 resets: 44
+ 4 resets: 41 (low point - enter LaF and SoF/SOL relations deteriorate)
+ 5 resets: 43
+ 6 resets: 47
This reset 71

It's a huge boost to be across all the intel of what other alliances are doing. You avoid losing, you avoid drawn out wars and you keep all your members while adding new ones.

The net benefit is your membership goes up, while the membership of your enemies stays equal at best, and in many cases deteriorates. SoF benefited, they know that, but it's a lot more removed to accuse them of complicity than accusing upper leadership of LaF of complicity. SoF are not the bad guys here, but they could acknowledge their rise is directly related to the rise of LaF.

One of your dumbest posts. Let me clarify:

+0 Ivan spamming old members + new leadership + Rage = 100 members
+1 We lose a war where we were outnumbered that lasted all reset and caused leadership to burnout + Rage loses more members with infighting
+2 Rage leaves to start anew, as was planned when they merged in
+3 Tired of dumbasses on the boards, the leadership shrinks further and only Ivan and Chevs remain active + I retire
+4 After talk of RD organizing a coalition against us and begin told that SOL would drop us, a coalition is organized in which SOF petitions LAF, MD, LCN to join - Detmer can confirm he was offerred inclusion in this and I did most of the initial organizing as an exit strategy for my retirement. Scorpion returns giving us an active site admin.
+5 someone else can comment as I was not even watching the game
+6 Sov is made head and a major effort is made to revitalize the alliance and Helmet takes stronger command
+7 like +0, another mass spamming of old membership occurs. The site is cleaned out and unnecessary old access is stripped (including mine).

While I will not refute that SOF benefited from a relationship with LAF and other allies that were organized before +4, it is on you to substantiate benefits from LAF cheating. Your logic is half assed at best dagga. You are a mud slinger.

Since you cannot make your own point, I will do it for you. SOF benefitted from a larger and more organized LAF. Two coalitions emerged at the beginning of reset +4 and, unfortunately for SOL, they had beaten up on numerous defenseless alliances and had tarnished the goodwill of the server towards them. On the other hand LAF, LCN, PDM and to a lesser extend imag (who were mad at SOF for not having dropped SOL sooner in their defense) were all mad at you. You were beaten to the punch in making allies with newly formed MD and, aside from having an x-WOG head in SOF, Rival was unpleased with your treatment of them in their return reset as well. You paved the way for what happened to you by playing, wreckless, selfish politics.

I find it very doubtful that if LAF had not cheated that things would have unraveled much differently. Bully politics is what got you in the hole and it is what has LAF in the hole now. The difference is that hanlong and TC crossed a line and cheated. They are unforgivable but you are still an ass. You have no concept of how the past has unfolded to the present.

Edited By: aponic on May 4th 2012, 14:34:11
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