
Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 15:34:32

Originally posted by TaSk1:
what about the rest of the alliance? you can't hold an individuals actions accountable for the rest of them, now that the problem has been dealt with accordingly and han and tc have been exited laf have bounced back and still run kick ass countries and will take the best of the best to the battlefield as you can see in this war.

The individuals all chose to let that guy lead them and represent them and they all benefited from the cheating for several rounds. In this game alliances are sometimes killed for the actions of one rogue member, let alone their head. Furthermore it was known in LaF that shady stuff was going on (as SG admitted) but they turned a blind eye, rather than figuring out what was going on.

hanlong cheated so LaF can benefit. If the cheating proves beneficial, it tells cheaters that is worthwhile to do. Right now LaF has had to give up half a round because they cheated. SoF randomly targets netters and takes more than half a round from them for no reason at all. LaF has suffered less penalty for having cheated for several rounds than a random alliance who SoF gets bored and targets. LaF has effectively suffered no penalties yet has tons and tons of ill-gotten gains.

Honestly I can't help but think that SoF would have taken a stand against it, but is more worried about some silly political position than the ethics of the game.

Edited By: Detmer on Jun 21st 2012, 15:37:50
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