
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 21st 2012, 17:29:43

Originally posted by Detmer:

1) I am not an admin, I can not prove anything. Cheaters don't get the benefit of the doubt though. You're innocent until proven guilty. Once you're found guilty, then you're guilty until proven innocent. Maybe he didn't cheat from day 1. There is no way of knowing.

Ridiculous statement. Being proven guilty of one offense does not make you "guilty until proven innocent" for all other accusations from then on. You are innocent until proven guilty and then from there you are guilty of what has been proven, and nothing more. The presumption of innocence still applies to any unproven accusations.

As for running players out of the game. Every allaince that loses a war or 2 in a row will cry that they are being run out of the game, I guess this means that alliances can't conflict over issues anymore due to fear of being detrimental to the server?

SOL was given more than one opportunity for peace (thus saving their membership from being "pushed away"), they chose to go down the path we are down now, so once again they have no room to complain.

As for Evo... We've already explained multiple times over why we FSed them the times we did. They don't think it is a good reason where as we do, thus "legitimate gripe" in the same sense that any 2 alliances that disagree have gripes with one another.

But lastly, regarding SOL. As far as LaF is concerned our actions towards SOL were a favour to the game not a detriment. SOL was driving netters away from the game in groves and they were doing it persistently. Taking them out helped the game by helping keep people in netting alliances from fleeing.

You can argue all you like that we drove SOLers away from the game, but we'd take that over them pushing all the netters away any day. SOL always had the choice of peace, they simply had to capitulate on the simple request to stop randomly FSing netting clans reset after reset. They chose not to meet that simple demand, so they have nothing to complain about.

But blocking SOL from terrorizing netters... you'll never convince me that such actions are "detrimental to the game"... ever.

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Jun 21st 2012, 17:34:40
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