
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 23rd 2012, 14:05:04

i didn't even read the bulk of ss's post because he's just going to keep being a whiney prick who's bitter that his contribution to laf hails in comparison to so many ppl he doesn't agree with, me included. i'm sorry your ego hurts so much that you need to flame a fellow Don in public with your unique spin (which makes you a leader only for the good things and me a leader only for the bad things, and you get the good and bad things wrong anyway...).

however, I did read that the "truth is coming out" as if it's that's a threat to me I should be worried about? I'm happy to spill the beans about absolutely everything I ever did in LaF, or any alliance -- sketchy, not sketchy, whatever -- because I do NOT like hiding things that I did 6 years to a decade ago when the game and my position were very different. It's especially frustrating because many of the folks that were wronged by those kind of initiatives are ppl i've become friends with by -- gasp -- engaging them instead of yelling at them! I'd be THRILLED to get that all out because I've never liked having to hide anything, especially at this stage. LaF has always asked me not to because of the political fallout for LaF, so I've respected that. I'm game to go start a new thread and do it right now. I do NOT like hiding what LaF (including me) did years ago and I consider to be inconsequential crap from a game that no longer exists. The difference was always that once I moved toward focusing on the wider game community, I brought a far different view toward that than I brought to LaF. And that's the real reason you're pissed -- that I wasn't willing to be the LaF admin; I was being an impartial admin who was forced to listen to asshats like yourself whine and fluff about how unfair it is that Evo gets to win netting crowns "because of the mechanics". It's the same mechanics for everyone, eh? :p

SS is the ultimate example of someone who tries to build themselves up by belittling the work of others; be it other leaders' contributions, other alliance's war/netting victories, or staff contributions to the community. I have one very fitting word that sums up SS's contribution to LaF and the game -- "meh".

Edited By: Pang on Aug 23rd 2012, 14:07:34
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