
TGD Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 5:04:17

So everyone that says "PDM Should be attacking!!!" um attacking with what war ready, war government lead countries? LCN wants a war, why in hell should PDM let them have their war? PDM, as far as I know, has Republics, Theo's and other governments gear towards netting, not Dictators, Tyrs, and Commi lead governments.

Let LCN "war" PDM then brag about it. It makes you guys look like morons. Your members are posting, along with SoF's it seems, comments like "PDM should be destroyed" "PDM is going to be fighting wars for the next few sets"

If alliances disappear, or war constantly, players will leave the game. What the hell is there to celebrate about that? All I read on here is fluffing "there is not enough land" "land trading is taboo" yet you are all trying to make the situation worse by running players from the game.

Do you think that having fewer players will make more land appear? That it will cease land trading? Think Pang will keep this game operating if you alliances both keep fluffing, and running players from the game? TaSk1 will come and say "i'm whining" no i'm stating facts, Sov or Boltar needs to either try to grow some class in SoF (and LCN needs to as well) or the problems will continue to grow. And Boltar, i'll keep attacking SoF as long as your members keeps wishing that PDM will be destroyed.

Also There will be those that are stating "look at my alliance it has grown" that is terrific, unfortunately, if your alliance continues to grow, and other alliances disappear, that causes major problems in FA, there will be either no pacts, or everyone will be all exploring, as, in my view, you can't have just a few large alliances and, maybe, a few small alliances. That scenario, in this game, will not work. Your members may be crying "lets war them" but if you war the same alliance, who doesn't like to war, all the time, it will erase them, eventually, from the game. Look at Rage, they just had to merge, one of the largest alliances in this game at 1 time, now is part of another. Yeah, the members may not of left, but there is now 1 less alliance to actively land grab, to war with.

*sighs* this game is a complete mess and I doubt it will ever get fixed, even under a doomsday scenario.

None of you will probably read this and take anything from it, but I predict that, if nothing is changed in the future, this game is dead. Will be sad for Pang, after trying to recreate this game, and putting time and effort into it, but your members don't seem to care much from what I can see.

oh well end my rant, continue bashing PDM on these boards, great for the community I guess.

Edited By: TGD on Sep 12th 2012, 5:11:24
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