


Oct 8th 2012, 0:55:34

Obama is a joke, unemployment is at 7.8% but for every job he creates 3-4 people stop looking for work. Our current workforce at the moment is equal to the workforce of 1981, that was 30 years ago. Our debt, which he promised to cut in half, has ballooned to 16 trillion under his watch. According to Obama to fix the country, the government is the answer, on every level.

I am not interested in government being the answer for everything, and that is what Obama is serving. Its about ideology. His level of class warfare is a joke, how rich people need to "pay their fair share" yet the top 20 percent of Americans pay 94% of federal taxes. Read this article to get an idea,

To think that your 25 points validates his presidency it far from does, you people are looney toons if you think he is a great president and just staunch leftist zealots who will gush over his immaculation if he gets re-elected.

I say this as a man who voted for him in 2008. So don't even approach the talking line of calling me a conservative.

Edited By: [IX]Mobster on Oct 8th 2012, 1:02:50
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