
Monex Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 21:15:52

Originally posted by TGD:

btw spell my name right, it is only 3 letters :D (shows your low level of intelligence when you cannot get a 3 letter name spelled right rofl)

once again, why do you not talk about Grovy? Seems you have a huge hard on, or you are a huge raciest towards Obama :)

and Monex, once again, do 300 million americans live in the desert regions of the US? Do they all live in the harsh Mountainous climates? Do Americans have a sophisticated system of passages within the mountains? Do all the Americans, who want to/feel the need to/ feel that in the future that the government will far, all live in these mountains, have complex survival skills? Are they all living in the desert with no modern technology? Finally, can Americans, like the terrorists, live in a society without all of our modern day comforts?

Once again, you are comparing vastly different societies :) BTW, terrorists are trained to not only kill military, but their own people. Their suicide bombs, kill more of them than they do us.

You really believe that the American people will fall so far, that they will just blow each other up? :) You people have very little faith in our country. So do us all a favor and leave since you view our country horribly :D

Spoken like a true combat virgin, you do realize that the bloodiest ambushes in Iraq and Afghanistan happened in cities like Bagdad, Fallujah, Marjah, among others. These places look like small villages compared to major US cities that have Skyrises, sewer systems and subway systems more complex than anything you could ever dream on seeing in third world countries. A conventional military war in places like NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, St Louis would be a strategic nightmare, the only way any force could secure a major US city would be to destroy it completely, With the complex system of tunnels under all cities in the US even raising the city to the ground does not guarantee that you will neutralize the threat. But what it does guarantee is adding numbers to the other side. Most terrorists/rebels were not part of the original cause, they started as ordinary people not idiologs, but some event pushes them to far or backs them into a corner that they feel there is no way out of.
As for Americans being above this there are many books written in the last 50 years by young Americans (With the Old Breed, Islands of the Damned, Generation Kill and many others) that prove that war can change people, people do not change war, war never changes.

The irony is that the 1st amendment is what protects some people’s right to state their opinion to repeal the 2nd amendment, Their freedom of speech is protected by the the very amendment they want to repeal and they are both part of the document that they believe is an outdated relic.

It allows Person A who has never lifted a finger to defend the country they live in because they don’t believe in the principals it was founded on, to tell Person B who has sworn an oath to defend their country and the constitution and spent most of their adult lives in third world hell holes fighting wars that may or may not be for just cause knowing that they would do anything necessary to protect their country and its citizens, ALL of its citizens regardless of their race, religion or political view, that Person B should leave because they support the founding principles on which Person A wishes to repeal.

Oh and by the way if a foreign country did invade, by US law person A would be required to pick up arms because like it or not he is part of the US militia. Then the only difference between Person A and Person B would be the oath one of them swore.

Edited By: Monex on Jan 20th 2013, 0:41:46
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