

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2013, 22:25:14

Falling behind in land. According to the numbers here in 6 days only gained 4000 land... he was keeping up with the Reps in land, with the dict ghost acre bonus should really be outgrowing them at this point, but now they're all 10k acres ahead. His bus/res tech percentages are also much lower than the reps I'd wager, because at this point they're cashing so much and prices are so much cheaper that they can eat up huge amounts of tech and get their percentages into the 170s easily.

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
I don't think weapons tech would be cost effective at this point compared to bus/res. It would be better just to buy turrets or jets than weapons tech. This will change of course when he needs 7 or 8 million total Jets/Turrets.
I find that claim a little suspect. Weapons tech is good in every way. It lets you keep down expenses for equal military output and it lets you be closer in networth size to your attack targets. A dict with weapons tech is one of the scariest things about that gov type.

Edited By: blid on Feb 7th 2013, 22:27:39
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.