
crest23 Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 16:35:16

That's why I am a fan of randomizing alliances (DA and IA) on solo server.The same top 15/20 guys are allied to each other in interlocking relationships. You set can go to hell really quick the span of 20 hrs.

Look at #310 for example. He had a fairly decent set and then does a land trade, next day he continues his business but the blood is in the water cos he is just a tad bit fatter than normal, just slightly lower in NW that usual. Before he can log in again boom, boom, boom, there head shots. Of course he's going to retal them all, problem is with each trade you are just screwing yourself cos this game is more about strategy than it is about land.

He retals one of the 3, before he logs in again 2 head shots, he logs in retals one, before he logs in again 3 head shots, he retals one and then 5 heads shots, bleeding profusely now, he has no more strength to muster another retal.

Edited By: crest23 on Feb 16th 2013, 16:46:02
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The Nigerian Nightmare.