
Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 22:22:16

Not agreed.

94000 farms x 5.3 x 2.25 x $35 PM price is $39.2m per turn.

75000 indies x 1.86 x 1.56 x 1.35 x $140 jets is $41.1m a turn.

Not taking into account taxes, expenses, or commission of course, but they end up being pretty equal.

Based on when the 94k farmer stopped grabbing (and that he grabbed almost 3k a day for over 20 days), I believe he has another 1m tech points to buy and is no shape to start stocking yet, so I actually think I might revise my t5 estimate to look like this now:

1. Awesome 2013
2. Quarantine
3. Keep Calm And Press Cash
4. Vengeful Spirit
5. AustAgder

Edited By: Xinhuan on Feb 23rd 2013, 22:24:25
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