
Darakna Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 6:28:37

Originally posted by dittie:
I speak for many MDers, many earthers, even many SoFers.
Personally, I don't like receiving FA in a good 1v1 war.

I could go the SoF route and just say, 'Doesn't mean they are getting aid, it could just be a mistake.'

So, apparently some people have decided to receive outside FA. What's the difference between that and calling in an ally to get a 2:1 advantage on your enemy?
Don't try and place yourselves on some pedestal.
Your memories can't be that bad. So, you guys will do just about anything to win. Some of our members will receive FA to try and win.

The problem with a lot of SoFers is they can't just win a war and show respect. They have to try and embarrass their foe, spit on them, and then try and make everybody hate them. Some of you guys are just bad people in general. Not only in this game, but in real life. I feel sorry for some of you.

You sir... are an idiot.

The difference between calling in an ally and receiving outside FA? Well, lets start with when you call in an ally it is out in the open, it is not secretive and clandestine. It is out in the open and everyone knows about it..... it is called being fluffed in the ass. It happens, get use to it.

Receiving outside aide in a secretive manner is more inline with dishonest behavior, it is a scumbag move. Calling in a ally is just a political move, receiving secretive foreign aide is what dirt bags do that harbor Ivan.

You guys were pretty screwed from the start anyway, CMing restarts is awesome target selection.

Edited By: Darakna on Feb 26th 2013, 6:35:12
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