
MauricXe Game profile


Mar 18th 2013, 11:50:07


The spin machine from the anti-SoF crowd is amusing. Let's review some of the facts.

MD knew SoF was coming. They knew it last set when they FSd SoF and SoF didn't pact them this set. You could also look at MD's countries for more proof of war perpetration.

MD was bigger in members and TNW after SoF's FS.

MD ran to their allies for FA when they felt the war began to turn against them.

MD accepted an enormous tagjumper in the middle of an even war. This tagjumper broke originals, midbroke a few others, and landgrab some of our countries. He is still alive.

No proof of these alleged mercenaries. SoF's numbers didn't fluctuate from last set so this charge has very little support even if you have no access to our memberlist.

MD alleged market manipulations and massive FA to cover up their losing effort to a smaller alliance and justify their massive FA. But...they didn't have any proof and we are still waiting on said proof. You would think after discovering these alleged market manipulation, one would record it. SoF is so sneaky they had martian cover up the fishy market prices.

The war was essentially a 1v1, but MD ran to their allies for help. One has to ask themselves if the reps would have happened if MD didn't ask for aid. The answer appears to be no.

I know it's hard for you guys to accept your losing effort. Don't bother looking at the stats. You were consistently outhit, look at SoF's total daily hits, kills, and their impressive HPM (679 vs 515 atm and SoF always led) compared to MD. The key here is that SoF can't be FAd turns. You were outwalled...despite your great walling, SoF just did better. Accept it.

You can't explain the most crucial point of the stats....maybe you should try that instead? Instead of accusing SoF of market manipulations, FA, and w/e you dreamed up, why not look at the warstats and realize those have a direct correlation with your situation. No no, SoF used underhanded tactics including getting FA from their allies to outhit us on a weekly basis.

So in summary:

MD alleges foul play. They have ZERO proof. The warstats show why they lost; you can't FA turns. MD accepted massive outside help, but they never realized the REAL problem....their inferior war statistics.

Edited By: MauricXe on Mar 18th 2013, 13:59:51
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