


Mar 18th 2013, 20:22:59

From a pretty unbiased perspective, MD is losing this war because SoF is outhitting and outwalling MD. They are also out "netting" MD.

From a pure skill perspective SoF just has better ingame skills across the board. MD is just a tier below. If it wasn't for MD's member advantage, this war would have been an ass whooping.

All the other things posted is just people trolling each other.

MD does troll less than SoF though. SoF does have more members who love to say random crap, but MD has one or two also. However, in reverse MD seems to like to blame others for their own shortcomings. It feels like MD likes to find excuses on why others are doing better instead of just accepting the fact that they are not a first tier alliance. Another big alliance like PDM has no confusion that is is lower tiered the others, but MD is definitely confused. And SoF does like to rub it into MD's face unnecessarily instead of just taking the high road and winning the war quietly

Edited By: anitasanchez on Mar 18th 2013, 20:26:33
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