
MauricXe Game profile


Mar 18th 2013, 19:53:12

PP, Your response falls in line with what I mentioned. Dex made a comment about MD's conduct this set. You then changed the subject to past SoF actions.

You said that SoF only plays fair " when they're winning." SoF was behind in TNW, AVG Land, and membership most of the war. Beyond the last week, SoF and MD were tied. I would say now SoF has taken a clear lead. They didn't accept FA or a tagjumper when they were behind nor did they reach out for FA when they were tied thus your statement is false.

There was nothing improper about last set. MD knew what was coming, we have the logs. SoF didn't force MD to FS them either. This ridiculous argument needs to die.

Having a better overall record means nothing unless it's perfect. If you can't play "honorably" then you should keep your mouth shut. You can call SoF hypocrites all you like (and I don't see anything listed in your previous postings to warrant that), but don't forget to say the same for MD.

The anti-SoF crowd loves to remind everyone how much help SoF needs to win a war. Well, SoF gave MD a 1v1 and it wasn't SoF that ran to their allies was it?

Edited By: MauricXe on Mar 18th 2013, 20:47:16
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