
OneMansArmy Game profile


May 1st 2013, 6:27:05

Both Blid and myself did the same thing last set. We were able to mitigate some of the damage of the food spike by making a profit turning as much cheap tech as we could find. However we both got hit pretty hard by the food prices crash because we still had to spend a lot of money on food to avoid the corruption while teching/reselling (thought I made that clear). We didn't sit on it, we resold it, made more profit, and had orders up for more cheap tech. But whatever those orders didn't spend above 2Bil had to be spent on food stock to avoid corruption.

I think both Blid and myself mentioned to each other that if we didn't have to take such a large hit on food price we could of finished around 150mil networth. This is what led me to try out the corruption bonus this set, but food prices never spiked so I would of been much better off with extra turns this time. Can't predict what the market is going to do, I lost this gamble.

My reasoning for saying its bad tech set has to do with the amount of undercutting I saw and how fast the prices crashed in the last few weeks. From $1500-850 hit me hard because I was trying to accelerate my tech sales at this point to get ready for an early jump. I guess others had the same idea, because prices nose dived hard. The only bushels I stocked this set were to avoid getting my money stolen..

Is it just the Techers getting fluffed with or are the Indies, Farmers and Cashers getting it too? I know last set tech thievery was rampant. This set it was all bomb banks that on me.

Edited By: OneMansArmy on May 1st 2013, 6:36:32
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