
de1i Game profile


May 29th 2013, 5:36:26

No I'm mocking the position that Monsters are throwing themselves a pity party because 1 leader made a single post about the issue. To be fair Monsters are fools for not triple checking that they have dotted all their Is and crossed their Ts when dealing with an alliance that will kill you off just for looking at them funny.

4 grabs since in the last few days, including a grab on Soda's restart (by a leader/former leader) that is a topfeed then retaliating his retals. 10101 acres vs 7984, my math may be off as I am about to go to bed and CBA to figure out the formula. Said hit is also by a leader/former leader in SoF, I would be shocked if the other 3 countries that have done grabs aren't leaders as well.

5:1 says one of them is Flamey, who has channeled his inner Alex Jones on this thread and accused Monsters of conspiring against SoF.

Edited By: de1i on May 29th 2013, 5:42:46
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