
de1i Game profile


May 31st 2013, 16:39:11

Funny, this situation started because of a massive topfeed done by SoF that you admit should not of happened to begin. A situation that was poorly handled by both parties and ended with the death of the country that was wronged in the first place (versus 19 retals LOL).

Since then Soda's restart has been topfed and been RoRed by Boltar a former SoF leader, another Monster had a massive hit done on his all explore country, and a 3rd had 25 missiles sent his way for retaliating the double tap on him.

Also let us not forget whatever this situation is with #133 and self deleting rather than being retaliated. Which I believe was General Earl if he has credentials that means anything to anyone.

Most alliances are smart enough to not voice their grievances on a public forum about an alliance that would sooner kill you off than admit they made a mistake. I see 2 posts by Monster leaders concerning their opinion of the situation, posts that also admitted wrongdoing on their own part and weren't even remotely disrepctful. BUT THE NERVE OF ANYONE IN MONSTERS EVEN BEING REMOTELY UPSET ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED!

Edited By: de1i on May 31st 2013, 16:41:30
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