
Alin Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 12:37:34

Sof needs to learn a couple of things.

I remember when i was a kid - some biger guy was bulling me arround. He was also bulling other kids, but always individually. One day we decided to act together and 3 of us managed to give him a good beat.

Sof you are like one of those 3 kids. You are not stronger than the big guy - you just have the numbers. That doesn't actually make you always better than your opponent.

For example you weren't better than MD - when MD FSed and wrecked Sof in 48 hours ( Sof called in Laf ). Now you claim that set to be a Sof win ( saw someone saying that in the last 4 encounters btw MD and Sof - Sof won all of them. Well - NOOOT )

Sure, you were better than MD in their celebrating set when you FSed - but that war was more fun/even and it was decided by some super walling skills. (Not by 180 ws 80).

Therefore you can not claim that "you have won all the MD encounters" and "you were always better than MD". Because you weren't.

I wasn't playing the game in the last 6 months - but for what i see here, and knowing Servant`s alliance rankings, i assume this is the same scenario. Sol was probably better than Sof in this war - but Laf turned some even numbers ( as usual ) into Sofside advantage.

P.S: RIVAL i think you already won the tile of "The most obedient alliance in the game history ". You should stop now.

This game needs some side changes. Isn`t everyone boored of this sides? Since Hanlong ( and before ) the sides were pretty much the same.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 25th 2013, 12:51:33
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