
Cable Game profile


Dec 15th 2013, 23:28:18


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Dec 15th 2013, 23:28:37

Originally posted by IXNeo:

Originally posted by Heretodie:

Leaching is an unfair advantage to any player who does it, which is no different then joint killruns or OAs or FAing players to the top through trade pacts. HE was reinstated because its not a clean and clear cut issue is what I heard.

Let the mods sort it out, where ever he ends up its a illegitimate score because he had aid to get there. No different then having friends buy your tech at 9500 5 min left in set to aid a players win. Purpled or not its not a respectable way to play the game and people have been deleted for lesser actions.

tech starting then shifting will be illegitimate then? lets say, Country A told allies Country B and C that he will be teching. After teching , he converted to another strat. Country B and C did not bother to drop him and continue with their strats. It benefits A but i am sure country B and C benefits from him too (def ally). Honestly, if you wanna say its cheating then all relations should be disabled in express. Let players play solo.

This is quite easily achievable, anyone who techs starts and doesn't drop their tech ally and is reported for not teching is deleted and removed for rules violations. All you've pointed out is a loop whole but the fact still remains that its and unfair advantage to anyone leaching. Being DA or IA to a techer and not teching has nothing to do with it, because everyone has access to DAs and IAs but not everyone has someone feeding them tech. SO this can be argued to death maybe everyone should have MAX tech from turn 1 and never drop so theres no need for Techers and then it comes down to who ever has the biggest fluff at the end of the day wins. Abusing the rules and using them to your own advantage is cause for deletion for many other things. Come back when you make a vaild argument why leaching should be allowed but trade pacts and Offensive Alliances where recently removed for similar reasons.

Edited By: Cable on Dec 15th 2013, 23:30:41
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