
st0ny Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 22:50:52

can anyone point out to me where in this thread was i complaining? the only complaining and whining i see here is from you. correct me if i'm wrong anyone... lol

you said you had more tech and was running a better country. sure, if you were playing in a server with protection from a clan. having close to no units will definitely lower your running cost and give you that additional cash to buy tech but how do you hold on to your land? and if you didnt have more tech, you'll just be more of a noob like gogy. lol

and please... acting like you didnt put in effort so you're not pissed, would your posts be here if that were true? lol

i'll tell you why i chose you first before croatia.

1. you waited till i reach 15k to take your retal on purpose. you could've taken a retal much earlier but you waited on purpose. i would've taken it like i did with the retal earlier if you have took a normal retal.

2. you had 1.6m turrets, 4.5m jets, no weapons tech and no allies when i spied you. not 2.7m turrets and 4.1m jets like you mentioned here. thats not an alljetter then i dont know what is.

continue playing like this and i promise you i'll keep coming at you. just like how i'll go at croatia every time i dont have a chance to get a good finish.

i can be a real prick to pricks. i admit it. :D

anyways... nice ABs. i had 300k tanks and you went through it like nothing. lol

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."