
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 17th 2010, 0:57:24

I already responded to that whole line of attack by pointing out that ELy is set to neutral.

Pang hit the nail right on the head. It isn't my job to give you tag protection. Its your job to develop it within your tag. It is real easy to just say that it is LaF's fault you are getting grabbed. But really it is your fault for being too apathetic about the game to care to change it yourself. It isn't not our fault that you don't want to put the effort into your countries.

Alliances like EEVIL, SoF, SOL etc are avoiding getting hit by LaF by having 1 or 2 decent looking techers in there tag. Thats it, thats all.

When you look at LaF, there is really only 6 - 8 countries that grab established tags and try to outrun the retals. 6 - 8 people hitting your tag twice a day = 14 - 16 hits a day. Not too pleasant obviously, but if you had a couple techers that could retal then it wouldn't be happening.

Why wouldn't you get hit? Because hitting is infectious. People run similar startups so they hit growth phases at similar times. You get a techer looking at a tag like say.. Neo, and thinking "looking at their country NW's, land, and govs, I think I can outrun retals on these guys easy."

So he goes to kill team and he asks "hey can you guys upload spyops on these countries: a b c d ...", and the suspicions are confirmed. no countries with the military/income to retal.

Now the guy makes a few grabs, hits Neo a couple of times. Now there are 2 hits in the news from LaF on Neo. But there are still 4 - 6 other countries looking to grab today. The next techer logs in and see that his tech/D ally grew by a lot of acres today so he checks out the news and see the hits on Neo.

Now he thinks to himself "I have the same amount of D and income as him, if he can outrun the retals so can I". Now neo has 4 hits from LaF on them today.

On the other hand take someone like say... EEVIL. The first techer will skim over their tag and say "hmm, looks like there are a couple countries that could be a threat to break me, better get the ops". He goes to kill team for the ops. Sees that there are 2 techers with the techbase/income to easily buy enough jets to retal him within the first 24 hours.

He is not going to attack that alliance. The next techer is going to do a similar analysis in his head and make the same decision. And so on, and so on...

Is it really so hard to run 2 decent techers? Ideally you want 4 techers to make a full tech ring, but only 2 of them have to be decent in order to maintain retal capability in this day and age. Then have a commie or 2 as well for backup/early deterrance.

I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that not everyone in your alliance can play a lazy all explore cash or farmer and maintain retal capability in the early/midgame.
You can't do it as a 5 member tag, a 10 member tag, or a 25 member tag.

Oh PS: Just running a couple commies isn't enough. Commies act as early deterrence but techers outrun them around... well right around now. If you want to maintain retal ability/scare people away from hitting you, you need techers.... I'm sorry that they are more challenging to run than other strategies. But you need them.

So build them, and shut the hell up already.

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Aug 17th 2010, 1:22:01
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