
Pang Game profile

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Mar 11th 2014, 1:17:01

My comment re: Cerberus was entirely based only on how he conducts himself on the forums and the hypocrisy of essentially calling others brainwashed when he seems to have Fox News talking points (and their lingo) pumped right into his frontal lobe whenever I see him on a political thread. It legitimately reminds me of Colbert.

This is especially when he attacks someone like qz, who I know is well educated & versed in what he discusses. To that point, people like me (and most perceived "liberals" on the forums) know and understand both sides of the most discussions they engage in -- in my experience. I'd suggest people like Angel1 stop talking down to others on here like they don't understand the issues they discuss, requiring a post educating them. Especially when examples like "minimum wage will make companies invest in technology and create unemployment, which is bad for jobs and good for Obama!" actually show a key flaw in conservative thinking on this issue. The goal should be to get more people OUT of these jobs and into more skilled jobs that will expand the economy; not that there needs to be a glut of crappy, low paying jobs available in perpetuity. There's way better ways to poo-poo the minimum wage increase too. :-/

(PS. I'm very much socially liberal.... but fairly conservative economically. The two reconcile better than you may think! :p)

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