
Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 7th 2014, 18:02:22

Originally posted by DJBeif:
Remember when TTR was the only way to win? People were so greedy and had to outjump their retals, then their alliance-mates suffered because the defending alliance wanted their land back, so someone else would take a hit because the TTR was out of range. Not a very good way to play unless you were incredibly selfish..I remember SMz in particular, jeez he was pushy and selfish, but always ended up in top 10...not sure that's the behavior and play style that I'd want to promote.

That's exactly how I want it. Someone still loses something in order for you to gain something. For you to come out ahead, someone else has to lose out, this is usually the target being hit, but it could also very well be your own clanmate (who might get suicided or topfed in response). None of this sissy "everyone wins" trading.

I want to create more hostile competition, not more cooperation-based competition.

Also, I want to point out that TTR was the "only way to win" in the past because of internal clan policies. It was obvious to anyone that a large clan cannot support more than maybe 3-4 countries running TTRs farming weak clans, so clans restricted their members to the best few players running that strat. In fact, this usually arose out of necessity anyway, because if you weren't the first to start clan-WR farming, you would be 1-2 days behind, and become retal food and be buffer for the first guy to start farming, with him becoming even more ahead. Countries beyond the first 3 or 4 wouldn't even consider to start WR-hitting, because it was impossible for them to avoid the retal at that point after the target clan's top retaller starts pumping jets. (And because that clan's land is now all in DR.)

The whole point though, is other clan members got retalled/topfed/suicided in return, sometimes resulting in minor wars. it wasn't a free ride like landtrading now is.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 7th 2014, 18:08:55
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