
eManny Game profile


Aug 1st 2014, 4:06:43

1. Join GDI (too late this reset, better luck next time!)
2. Don't multi-tap
3. Build only Labs and construction sites (for you maybe around 260-280 CS rest labs)
4. Your NW should be at least 50% military
5. Research weapons tech
Edit: 6. Yes 5-10% of buildings should be industrial and set production to 100% spies. You do not need 10% if you rarely attack and spy on others. 10% will land you a ridiculous SPAL by set's end virtually destroying your economy as a small country. Only active attackers go 10-12% indies.
Edit 7: 3 Tech allies as oldman was saying, but those who actually do research, not those who leach :P

That should help.

Edited By: eManny on Aug 3rd 2014, 17:22:51
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