
braden Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 8:05:05

Originally posted by Xeno:
Look, the game I have been scouring the net for years is this:

It's a game where the cards are stacked against the vets / bigger players, where the only way to get and stay fat is to run around frantically fending off coordinated attacks from hordes of noobish, smaller players; where vets are always griping and grieving on their forums with complaints like "Man alive! Where'd all these @#%ing noobs come all of a sudden? WTF this is like death from a thousand cuts!@! I can't deal with this !@#! Mods! You've got to re-balance this game. This is no fun for vets! I'm fighting claw tooth and nail to hold on to any acreage here from all these #@%@ing n00bs. Mods, developers, please do something?" To which mods and developers reply with an unambiguous and definitive, "Ummm....No."

Instead, what I see on forum are vets complaining about how boring it is to farm smaller players.

The game I'm looking for seems to be the opposite of what I am seeing here. Please let's be honest so I can stop wasting my time here. Is this the sort of game I'm looking for?

in a sense, possibly, i suppose. if i'm at 30k acres, bigger than you and better at the game than you at 4k acres, your turns worth of attacking me will net you far greater returns that I will get in retals with the same amount of hits back at you. There is, however, the entire concept of diplomacy, and doing this, as vic told you is topfeeding, is.. well, diplomatic.

there is slightly more to the game than the turn every however many minutes. the fun is in learning it and meeting.. well, us.. but honestly i can't imagine either are very much fun :P