
Furious999 Game profile


Aug 27th 2014, 0:24:24

We hold these truths to be self evident

1. Bidets are embarrassing; the work of the devil; and should only be used by french persons and other dubious foreign personages.

2. Any Earther who sends his troops and tanks off on a PS is a nOOb and is hereby consigned to the ultimate darkness.

3. We have a very strong retal policy: if there is a retal around we want to be in control of it.

Now, everyone gets a vote. Anyone voting twice will be retalled L:80%L. Anyone voting three times gets a medal.

PAY ATTENTION, THIS IS TRICKY - Country A grabs country B (following it so far?)

Country B is a pissant freeloader who looks to his clan to maintain tag protection and can't be bothered to protect his land.

OK, country A (ranked 104) does good on his grab on country B (ranked 164) (told you he's a pissant, Ha) and gets 581 acres.

Now country B (still following I hope) has a PILE of cash (no defence = no expenses, aha this guy is no mug) and could buy jets and retal for himself


Country C (yes, it's getting confusing) retals. This guy is top ten with a bunch of acres. So he just gets 401 acres on the retal. Ah, disappointing.

But no! These guys have a POLICY. It says if they don't get back 80% of the land they can't be bothered to defend they hit again.

Now the VOTE.

1. Vote "yeah". Country A (try and remember who that is) ACCEPTS this POLICY bowing to the great minds that thought it up.

2. Vote "nay". Country A says fluff you and fluff your POLICY I HATE damn netting and no one would let me into their war (boo hoo) so I'm gonna have one of my own (hurrah!).

YOU decide. DEMOCRACY in action. Teller, me; casting vote; mine; bribes and freebies - mine too.

Unfortunately there is a bit of a kick in the tail. Country A (remember him) has a clan mate sitting at No.1. Maybe this clan mate doesn't want his set spoiled by a pissing up the wall contest? So should discretion and a bit of consideration for others come into this tale? NEVER I say. But YOU have a vote. What do YOU say.

(Vote quickly people, I'm saving turns and it's BORING.)

Edited By: Furious999 on Aug 27th 2014, 0:55:30
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