
Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 6th 2014, 5:37:15

Originally posted by Mr Fist:
irrelevant to the game.

but does anyone know if I take a picture of a truck online. Crop the truck out of the picture, and use it in another if that infringement?

or take any image of google search and take parts of the image and use it.

It depends on where you take the image from.

If it is not listed under a freely-copyable license, such as Creative Commons, or in Public Domain, then what you are doing is definitely a violation of copyright, as it will be considered a Derivative Work. If no copyright information is listed, then by default, the law (mostly Berne Convention) applies the maximum copyright protection, which lasts for 50 years past the death of the author of said work.

For example, anything you submit to a wikipedia is under Creative Commons; you must certify that whatever you submit to a wiki will be under this copyright so it may be freely copied. Reddit specifies that all submitted user content still belongs fully to the original owner.

The submission of user content to a public location is one example of implied permission to copy/host/reproduce, that is, the granted permission (to the website) to host a copy of the work is implied by the act of voluntary uploading.

For the most part though, people are only concerned with the "reproduce/distribute" part of copyright, if you take an image online, save it, and use it for your own purposes without reproducing the image anywhere, in all likelihood, that is fair use. (As is the case for recording TV - see Betamax case). Copyright's intention is to enable the creator to receive compensation for their work for a limited amount of time.

Disclaimer: IANAL.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 6th 2014, 5:49:28
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