
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 10th 2014, 16:42:15

So bogus. I'll tell you exactly what happened.

I was #66.

I was playing a farmer with low defense and low jets. I got hit by Ebert00 who is Aggressivebynature and by some other players who are now top 10.

I didn't retal because I ALWAYS save my retals for later. I decided to store my turns as I normally do.

Then something happened.
#89 hit me x3 for no reason. I noticed he was a Tyranny Techer and what I know about techers is, if they are warring, then that means they aren't teching. So, my plan was to get my retals in and buy up turrets. That didn't work.

It didn't work because #89 just so happened to be online when I attacked. And so, as I grabbed the land back, he ROR, and got even more land back. I quickly tried to buy up turrets but by then it was too late. #89 then sent me a message saying 'lets truce'. And I didn't respond. #89 hit some other players up and when I saw his DR go back down from those LGs I decided that was my chance to get my ROR in and this time turret myself up. This time it worked. Then I decided to get my retals on other players who had hit me early on. Ebert00 was one of those players.

I tried to spy him and he just so happened to be online and tried to outrun me using his turns. I then sent him a message saying why bother running when I'm going to get you eventually. I told him I was going to do whatever it takes to get my land back. That's when he posted on this forums that I should get my account deleted along with #89. So, for all of you who look up to Ebert00 for his playing skills just remember this, the guy will do anything to win. Even attempt to get your account deleted if you're about to retal him. It just goes to show, the mods *listen* to certain players pleas and delete accounts without any sort of investigation.

The only players I retal'd were players who hit me early on. I did bottom feed 3 players almost 1/3rd my net. But the other two were players who hit me early on. I'd be almost willing to bet that last player I hit was a mod playing the game. That's how fast the response was for deleting my account.

I've displayed and other players have displayed far more obvious cheaters in this game and nothing happens. Warster and other players saw two countries obviously warring one another (with no hint of cheating) and my account gets deleted. Whichever mod deleted my account, I wish you used that same motivation to examine market manipulation and people using two accounts to buy one anothers' goods. This game is a fluffing joke.

And for the record- NO MODs contacted me for why it was deleted- they just deleted it. I logged in and it says it was deleted for violation of rules.

Edited By: Celphi on Oct 10th 2014, 16:50:25. Reason: Gramatical errors corrected.
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