
Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 4:47:53

To be honest, I don't think the rules helped to grow or decline.

The game has always been played by old players who played the original E:2025 before, and continue to do so. People leave for a few months or years and come back once in a while. Ultimately it's the same bunch of players.

Allowing new players to retal by spy ops or whatsoever, really makes no difference, they are probably still going to quit the game if they cannot grasp the deeper mechanics of "country specialization", and of how important the first 2 weeks of growth is to "get out of the gutter". Once you start getting bottomfed on, there's no climbing out of that gutter, even for strong players. Anyone can see that if you start a country 2 weeks late, you might as well don't bother, you won't finish better than a top 30 even if you got lucky and climbed out of the gutter because someone noob you were warring put you in high DR by using GSes for a few days.

I would say changes to retain players by catering to the playing crowd are be better.

If the game wants to attract new players, the game has to

* Undergo a huge revamp.
* The game has to capture the attention of the new player within 5 minutes.
* The game needs a interactive tutorial. Look how many rainbow countries there are, or just players randomly doing a few GSes or BRs and SSes.
* The game needs a low learning curve. The player shouldn't need to read 12 hours of wikis to figure out how to play.
* The game needs to show that this game has depth, so that the player has a reason to return to it.

My point is, doing all of these changes will make the game as we know it today, not be EE anymore, it will be a completely different game. At this point then, you might as well just make a new game.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Oct 11th 2014, 4:53:24
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