
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2014, 11:29:17

Originally posted by Furious999:

Celphi, you have it wrong that it was ebert that you messaged after a grab. That was me. So your gratuitous libel of ebert is idiotic. He shows as little understanding of the game as the mod guilty of the egregious deletions. But he is not the cheapskate you seek to paint him.

Originally posted by Furious999:
You didn't co-operate.

I did disagree with ebert on this board.

AggressiveByNature (a country name) did not post calling for your deletion, ebert did.

There is a nil chance that AggressiveByNature is played by ebert, it is a Commy Indie.

Try to work on your attention span.

If you are under 12 ask your parents to help you with your ethics.

Originally posted by Furious999:
You acknowledge that you sent your messages to me, #9.

No apology for your lieing allegation (I won't be holding my breathe).

I don't know which country ebert is playing but if it is not #6 I am a dutchman. He has been hit on in recent sets and someone suggested he change his country name. He can't however, change his very obvious style.

Your allegation that he is playing AggressiveByNature is based on nothing and will turn out to be wrong. If the person playing AggressiveByNature messaged you about co-operatively getting into dr it will be from disappointment that they were denied their chance to retal your hit on them.

But you deleted the message and are relying on your self serving memory. So my own guess would be that you misread it and are now misremembering to serve your preconception. Perhaps ebert messaged you before he posted (which is what an honourably minded person might do).

On any view you have accused ebert of trying to get you deleted to avoid a retal with no evidence and me of lieing with no evidence.

Shame on you.

Originally posted by ebert00:
Fyi.yes I am aggressivebynature. Yes I have been playing very differently lately. I was bored of teching and netting same reset after reset. As for me reporting the two countries...put yourself in my shoes. The news looked like obvious land trading then intentional Dr to allow a country to go all jets with no worries about being hit back. I reported what evidence I had ingame and to tellarion.I also created that thread. I have no clout with mods ask have been purpled myself(for reasons I still disagree with). If you were incorrectly deleted that sucks and sorry for you. It really does nothelp incandescent messaging me how you can go all jets and I can't farm you is possible mods saw things that we did not.

I don't want to come off as gloating, but I can't help myself and say, I told you so.

I called it the last time it happened too:

Edited By: Celphi on Oct 11th 2014, 11:35:45
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