
Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 20:07:18

Originally posted by Warster:
so your saying a mod must act within 2 hours (as that equals a day) of anything happening on the express server to be doing their job?

I maintain again and again that this server needs to be slowed down, turns are too fast. Probably the 10th time I've posted this. It also fixes a variety of other issues such as storing huge amounts of 360(360) turns, and the fact that Commies need a special rule (increased max market %) in order to be even playable on this server.

With such fast turns, you need at least 6 mods to cover all time zones so that response times are no longer than 3 hours maximum. Consider the Alliance server, a 12-hour response time is only 36 turns. Here, a 12 hour response time is 180 turns.

I respect Tellarion (and Warstar), but with the lack of sufficient mods, problems like these will continue to exist. This is one of those reasons why we cannot expand the game to other platforms like Facebook, we already can't handle one server with a population of 100.