

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2014, 19:46:32

Originally posted by ingle:
Dear Blid,
You didn't believe me and you continued to whine and try to net this set. I don't bluff and I like to keep my word when I can.
Originally posted by blid:
But really, I won't be surprised if you do attack me for calling you out on this stuff. It fits in with all this other garbage I've been listing.
see? im not surprised at all. but did you think i wouldnt bother netting or something? lol

Originally posted by ingle:
You blame other people who have used to play in the same alliance that don't anymore (like thinking oldman asked me to hit you).
I never thought that. oldman misunderstood me. i said "i used to respect laf, but now look at it. youve got h2o topfeeding people while in dr, youve got ingle hitting me, blah blah," he thought i meant "you" literally, as if i thought he was orchestrating it or something haha. no i just meant you're a stain on laf because you're a nasty fluffer.

Edited By: blid on Oct 27th 2014, 19:51:59
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.