
BlackMamba Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 16:53:04

People were leaving this server from the very moment it was created.

RD had nothing to do with that. I remember debating with h4axor wanger or whatever and he said the playerbase would go up.

Also for all you suckers complaining about landgrabbing. Well on alliance server, there was lots of reasonable grabbing. Landgrabbing policies used to be very lax server wide and even major alliances were okay with getting landgrabbed.

You wanted change and you got it. But don't scapegoat another group because it didn't end up being the change that you wanted.

It's like people who voted for Obama thinking change = good. Well they thought that change meant bipartisianship (even though Obama was the most liberal senator), they thought it meant post racial world, etc. In the end, all the got was a larger national debt and a leader viewed as a pushover by the other powers (China and Russia).

A lot of you new guys to alliance/team server thought 5 man teams meant open session on farming easier targets because they would have "less protection." You thought it'd be like "council" server like tag protection for you're so called "elite" teams with the added benefit of more pushovers for targets. You were wrong, but don't blame RD, blame yourself.

Edited By: BlackMamba on Sep 17th 2010, 16:55:11
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