
Alin Game profile


Nov 22nd 2015, 23:21:06

Ok Butthead. Waiting for your brother Beavis.

I am well awear PARTS of europe were there too. But it was an idiotic presence. Expenses ... and 0 gains. Europe paid 1.7 usd / litter of fuel. While you paid 0.8 usd. Valid for last 2 decades.

Europe was just the silly little cousin dragged into it, by some fault pretexts. Wmds(my ass), terror(my ass- there were no terrorists acts in Eu before Uk France and De send troops there). They fought for fluff and now they collect imigrants/terrorists. 5k / day imigrants out of which some are prolly future suicide bombers.

Thus your wwII history lesson is a fail as usual. WWII is the time when Europe lost worlds leading spot in dominance/influence. "Us and Russian"'s begins after... with russia crumbeling latter. Thus guess who s main fault is butthead...

Edited By: Alin on Nov 22nd 2015, 23:25:23
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