
alexsiki Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 10:54:08

cgr4 what is your country name if you dont mind me asking?

What if country A (networth 16 million) grabs country B (networth 4.1million)?? Do you not see why putting a time limit on
the retal is silly? If country B can overcome their serious disadvantage and somehow manage 2 catch & break country A's defenses then I truly believe that B is entitled to take the whole set to achieve this feat.

Simply put, what I am trying to say in plain English is that sometimes it takes a long time to catch and break a country that was way, way bigger than you to start with, especially if the country is very good and growing just as fast as you are.

Edited By: alexsiki on Feb 1st 2016, 10:58:09
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