
Hawkster Game profile


May 30th 2016, 7:37:00

Originally posted by Scott:

I am glad you read and are told what to think drone. The YouTube video is merely Clinton speaking. No spin.

I guess thinking is not your thing.
So does this mean your paraphrased quote "Unfortunately for you she elaborated on why she admired Sanger---> courage, Tenacity, VISION..." had spin to it? Obviously it does since it was not direct actual quote and you attempted to take it out of context. Also news articles (even ones on the web) normally have video with them. I HAVE already heard exactly what Hilary said with no spin, just her own words. So whom is the one not thinking now.

Besides there is no need for me to think when you have not actually provided shred of proof to even consider.

Edited By: Hawkster on May 30th 2016, 7:48:00
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