
Scott Game profile


May 30th 2016, 17:36:43

Originally posted by Rook:
Originally posted by Heston:
Then one claims victory and calls the other a fraud for name calling.

Nope Heston, it doesn't work that way. You don't get to swing in, denounce everyone, and play the impartial man. Scott claimed Clinton supports eugenics. His claims and the two links he has clung to as his sole attempt to justify those claims were then thoroughly discredited by multiple respondents. He has reacted by dodging questions, twisting the truth, and crassly flaming each and every person who has refuted him. His posts are a prime example of why liars like him are destroying productive political forum in this country. I have always fought for truth in my life, and I never shy away from calling out a proven liar when I see one.

We each have a responsibility to fight against deception, malice, and ignorance. I think that's naturally why you've seen so many posters refute Scott in this thread.

Stand by - Heston will be by to fire-for-effect.

"I have always fought for truth in my life, and I never shy away from calling out a proven liar when I see one." show me evidence - you cant. You and your your circle jerk are trying to smear for political gain. You have no evidence, go away kid. Sucks you were born retarded, but it was the hand you were dealt. At least no one will judge you for gluing macaroni to construction paper.

Only person dodging evidence is you - you have yet to provide any even though you claimed you only deal with facts and evidence. All i see is your crying.

Edited By: Scott on May 30th 2016, 17:40:15
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