
Scott Game profile


May 31st 2016, 22:10:08

Originally posted by Rook:
lol, ya got me. I'm marshall.

I don't try to sound smart. I just make the points that need to be made. I value truth and reason.

I understand truth and reason offend a lot of people. Like I've said, I have fought hard in my life for what is right. Those people who can't find it within themselves to make the difficult choice to be honest and direct in spite of their egos do not deserve respect.

Ok, if you value truth and honestly, you should start with your posts which are full of opinions, not facts or truth. Clearly you were lieing when you called me a fraud and liar because you have zero evidence, that you have provided, to prove such.

Go suck a donkey fluff, probably closer to your real set of values than your unsupported oppinions.

Take your social justice warrior bullfluff elsewhere. Try to get laid from time to time, it will make you less of a whiny fluff. While you are at it, do society a favor and go hand out with Whitney.

Edited By: Scott on May 31st 2016, 23:21:21
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